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FIn 2013, there came to me a request from a manufacturer of security equipment to create a surveillance camera. The president of the company wanted a security equipment such that has never been seen in the past and he said to me that everything was for me to decide – from idea generation, designing, to a working model manufacturing. The dead line had been set on the 3rd of March 2014, in time for SECURITY SHOW, which is Japan’s largest comprehensive exhibition of security and safety industry and the exhibition took place at Tokyo Big Sight from the 4th through the 7th of that month. As soon as I accepted the request, I tried to come up with any novel idea about a security camera but in vain. My own image about ordinary security camera kept me from having bold and free imagination. Security cameras are usually installed at the ceiling or embedded in walls and they are quiet and unrecognized by passengers. How about a security camera which can’t be ignored? I then tried to imagine the shape of a mounting bracket for the body of a camera. What kind of object; shape, color, the way to be installed do I really really want? What nobody creates but me is the one which has tires and an engine! I would like it for real riding! The motorcycle security camera came into the world this way. I was very thrilled with this idea and the excitement made me create it original as a security camera and unique as a motorcycle. This work is suitable to be installed in museums, entry hall of a building, hotel lobby and stores, etc. Of course, this can run swiftly in town!

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